Access Flooring Vs. Traditional Tile Flooring: The Benefits

The most fundamental difference between access or raised flooring and traditional tile flooring is the way they are installed. To install traditional tile flooring, you need mortar/thin set, grout, mixing buckets, a carpenter’s level, a wooden hammer, and tiles.

But when you are considering the modern raised access flooring, you will need to use a completely different set of
access flooring accessories, as you will first need to create an elevated platform on which the flooring panels will rest or be installed.

This post compares 3 top benefits of traditional tile flooring and access flooring based on the following factors:


Tile installation can be a do-it-yourself job. However, installing an elevated platform and placing tiles over it is not a DIY. Hire a professional installer to come up to your site with their professional access flooring accessories to install solid and stable flooring.


Let’s break down the stages of installation of both floor installation methods:

To install a tile floor, you will first need to build a flat substrate. For this, you can consider using plywood sheets or building a cemented subfloor the traditional way. Once the subfloor is set, you will need to install an underlayment sheet, which is optional but is highly recommended to prevent moisture damage and enhance insulation and the performance of your tile flooring. After installing the underlayment sheet, you can install floor tiles.

On the other hand, the stages of raised access floor installation are subfloor preparation, pedestal installation, stringer installation, and floor panel installation, followed by cable, pipes, and duct routing, which we will not talk about in this blog.

As evident, using access flooring accessories for building raised or elevated flooring is an extensive process, which involves more cost and time than installing traditional flooring does.


Raised access flooring may not be an ideal choice for residential environments because we don’t need a large number of wires, cables, pipes, and other supplies in our homes. They can be managed easily without raising the floor surface.

However, in office spaces, data centers, server rooms, conference rooms, and CCTV control rooms, it would be difficult to hide and manage wires. With under-floor storage solutions, like access flooring, wire and cable management becomes a lot easier.

This blog has been brought to you by, one of the most trusted raised access flooring specialists in South Africa.


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