How to achieve perfect sound insulation?

Do you get irritated by constant sound? You are not the only one, perhaps. There are places where people want silence. Apart obviously from your home, places of worship, libraries, schools, hospitals, old age homes, and even a few offices are places where people need a quiet zone. Disturbances with high decibel noise can be debilitating for inhabitants and office goers.  

So what do you do? There are a lot of options available. Acoustic flooring can be of some help. Apart from using acoustic underlays, interlocking tiles or carpets pads, this could include flooring with materials that absorbs sound. It reduces the impact that footsteps create. The material that easily absorbs sound is rubber, vinyl, or cork. While acoustic flooring helps in reducing different types of sound, including impact sound and airborne sound, this may not be the perfect solution. 


Construction of the building should be done, keeping in mind the sound insulation. While concrete is good at reducing impact sound that results in vibrations, there are other means to reduce the airborne sound that may come from speakers or surrounding traffic. 


Raised flooring can be a good option when you want to get relief from the airborne sound. This is an innovative soundproofing technique. It can meet the professional requirements for the perfect sound insulation. It could be for theatres or studios where the environs should be fully soundproof.  


It involves creating a false floor above the concrete floor using a pedestal, creating a void in between. One can choose the height of the pedestal. Adhesives are used to fix aesthetic panels that create a false floor. Commonly, it is used in installations like IT data centers or computer rooms where a lot of wiring is required, and the void is used to provide space for this. It was also used to provide airflow and cooling for advanced computing systems.  


But, raised flooring can serve the purpose of reducing noise transmission. A soundproofing material like cork or rubber is used for reducing noise transmission between adjacent rooms. Raised flooring can keep in check airborne and impact sound. 
















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